While Matt and Eric continued to work on siding, WW attacked a very particular problem--the rock veneer for those bits of foundation that appear above ground level. After considerable shopping and pondering, ably assisted by yr correspondent, he settled on a nice pale pattern of beiges, creams and browns. Then he hauled out the tile cutter and went to work. It looked like this:
WW applying the foundation veneer.
And then -- O Frabjous Day! -- the windows and doors arrived. Well, in truth, not all the windows. The store had perpetrated some sort of error on our order and we'd have to wait another week for the missing windows to materialize. Ah well, such is house construction. Eric and Matt got to work at once installing what we had received. Matt was seriously annoyed when we'd had to put Tyvek over the front windows...he (and everyone else) is in love with the view. The first window he put in was the living room one. This is what installation of windows and doors looked like:
Living room window and sliding door to the deck have been installed. View restored!
Matt adjusting the door which will lead to the screen porch when there is a screen porch.
While all this industry was occurring, autumn arrived.
The colours are our forest's way of waving goodbye as it settles in for a long winter's sleep.
Matt climbed the scaffolding to start work on the cedar shingles that would be a decorative detail on the upper reaches of the house. He enjoys shingling and gave me a brief lecture on Shingling 101. It was very interesting and informative. Then he talked about wonderful intricate shingling he'd seen down east. I told him about some shingling I'd seen in PEI. Then I left him to it.
The first of Matt's shingling can be seen at the peak.
The remaining windows arrived and were installed. WW finished the foundation veneer.
Benson inspects WW's sterling veneer work.
It was time for the landscaping to happen. We waited for Zack and the shovel to arrive. Finally, the great day came. The next installment will tell you all about that.