In the past few days, we have twice rented a car so we could go about the island getting Important Stuff. On Friday, we drove into St. John's to find (extremely expensive) sandals to replace those chewed by rats, drenched by hurricanes and/or forgotten at home. Then on to Jolly Harbour and Budget Marine for an array of nautical whatnots.
The trampoline was ripping along a front seam, so it had to be removed and taken to the sailmaker for repairs. A major production.
WW worked on the electrical systems, of which we have three. He decided there is a problem with the 220v system, so we are trying not to use it in case it kills us...or something. (I was never very good at physics and wiring and such.)
Then our trusty charge meter thing started showing the power dropping unusually low overnight. At first WW thought it might be the hazy weather was cramping our solar panels' style. But he finally decided the original four batteries (not the two we got in Grenada) had probably reached their best-before date. Subsequent research revealed that driving to Jolly Harbour would reduce the price by half, even factoring in the car rental, compared to what the English Harbour Slipway was asking. So off we went yesterday. (Peter was most disappointed since three cruise ships were expected...he did just fine on his own.)
Batteries are very heavy. I was seriously concerned that my husband would soon be enjoying his first hernia. However, the four old batteries were successfully removed from their hiding place under the saloon's long bench, and all the new were snugged in. Then WW looked at his wiring drawing and realized he couldn't understand it.
This is what it should have looked like:
He carried on by touching electrical connections between the batteries and, if they didn't spark, saying, "Well, no complaints there." My job was to hold as-yet unconnected wires out of the way. I kept a careful eye on the radio, plotting the exact path of my leap to it for when I needed to pan-pan for an electrocution on board. Nor leap nor pan-pan were, in the end, required.
Today, the voltage is at 12.60 and WW response is, "Wonderful!"
1 comment:
Hi Moo! Are you guys actually out on the water yet?
Things have been quite exciting since you've been gone. For starters, the guild downed LK last night (without me, damn them all!), so I'm working for that now in pugs and whatnot. The insane title no longer requires the Shendralar rep (which, of course, is the one I was working and grinding forever), but I got them to exalted anyway (apparently it will be a separate Feat of Strength in the expansion, so yay).
Other than that, things have been pretty uneventful. It is still pretty weird logging on in the morning and not chatting with you, but soon!
Well, I've talked your ear off, so I'll say goodbye for now (and Bryan says hi, he misses his pocket healer lol)
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