Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Before we leave the Spanish Virgin Islands, I need to mention a couple of things I forgot in my original posts.

First, when we came back to Django after our walk at Punta Arenas on Vieques, we found the boat had been enthusiastically squatted by about a half dozen bank swallows. They seemed quite astonished when we came paddling up. They swooped and dove around us. When we were out of the boat, a few flew off, but two or three remained. WW stood on the afterdeck, holding out is hand. I swear, it looked several times as though one of them would land on it. It was amazing. WW said he'd never been so close to a wild bird. They were mere inches away; it was quite wonderful.

The other thing I should mention, before we leave Culebra, Dewey, and the Dinghy Dock Restaurant is the tarpons. These are great huge muscular fish, apparently great fighting fish for fisherfolk, but not much for the fine dining group. Our table was right beside the water, with Boffo tied nearby. At least a dozen tarpons hang out there every night, waiting for the fish slops from the kitchen and, of course, from the restaurants patrons. They are rather finicky. They want fish--none of this hamburger, fries, or steak crap--it's got to be fish. So other, smaller fish hang out and wait for the stuff the tarpons don't want. However, none of them are too keen on fries. But that's OK, because the bats will take those; they dart in and grab them from the water's surface. It's better than...well, TV anyway.

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