Friday, October 24, 2008

Stopover on the Way Home

We caught a flight out from the Point Salines Airport at some ungodly hour. It took us to Trinidad where we had a six-hour stopover. We went to the bag storage area and prepared to check our bags while we went exploring. However, there was a taxi driver there who offered to take us, bag and baggage, for a mini-tour and to have us back in plenty of time for our flight. We accepted and so we met the estimable Ashton, who provided a superb if brief glimpse of things Trinidadian...and of Venezuela over the way.

Ashton and WW above Port of Spain

View over Port of Spain

WW and KMH

Cannon at the fort above Port of Spain

The fort...yes, it's not what we tend to think of as a fort,
but it seems to have worked fine.

The brig (or whatever the landlubber's word is) at the fort...

...where the window grills are made of rifle barrels.

A true calypso is an extemporaneous song about the people being sung to.This guy is a master of the art.
WW is eating hot (in the hot-pepper sense of the word) spiced pineapple. Two nearby pavilions sheltered vendors selling all manner of sweets and treats.

This view is why there are vendors in the area at all.

And I will close with some Trinidadian bougainvillea that just happened to be there:

Here endeth our Winter/Spring 2008 cruising.

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