Thursday, March 11, 2010

Rum Stewards

In the midst of the watermaker crisis (remember, we had guests arriving and Antigua was in the midst of a drought—the Slipway was selling water for $1 EC/gallon, up from $0.25 EC in January), we went to a dog’s birthday party, enjoyed ourselves a little too much, and offered to be part of the Tot on Tour for 2010.

The Tot is held at a couple of different locations and, occasionally and by invitation, at special locations. Such a one, for instance, was the U.S. naval base on Super Bowl Sunday. Also on boats. When all else fails, we stand around the flagpole at Nelson’s Dockyard. On Monday, February 15, the tot would be on Django.

Members had been told it would be at the flagpole, so they’d be in the area anyway. By the time 4 p.m. rolled around, I was feeling reasonably comfortable. I’d laid in snacks and drinks were in the cooler. Ann and Mike would bring the rum and water, Connie was bringing cups. Usually there’s very light turnout around the flagpole. Several people were away cruising. I figured we might have six, eight, maybe even 10 people.

I hadn’t reckoned on Bernie.

Bernie, ex RN, was on tot four or five for his initiation into the Tot Club. He was crewing for a friend and would be in English Harbour just long enough to complete the various requirements (7 tots in 14 days etc.). He thought, reasonably, that having his friends come to see the tot in action at the flagpole would be the least intrusive way possible. So he showed up with about six friends. I think the final tally aboard Django was close to 20. Photos are kindness of Bernie’s skipper Peter Castellas (sp?).

A few of the vast numbers who arrived aboard Django for the Feb. 15, 2010, tot.

We had the tot on the foredeck, with the more courageous (including Ann and me) standing on the trampoline.

The tot, God bless it.

That evening, I made the mistake of asking Ann what was involved in being rum stewards. She smile happily and said, “Great! You can start tomorrow! It’s easy!”

For the next week, WW collected the tot fees, one of us yelled “Book’s closed!” and “Up spirits!” I was responsible for getting the glasses filled with water, measuring tots for guests, getting the empty glasses out for the members’ tots, and making sure the rum was on the table. In the circle, I asked for guest introductions and any announcements, read the RN history for that date and started the toast. We were on duty till Friday.

Coincident with our last day as rum bo’suns, the horde descended.

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