Sunday, November 14, 2010

Heat is

OK. Of course you head to the Caribbean for the warmth, but the past week has been sweltering. No wind at all. Even the goats seem overwhelmed. The only living things doing a thriving business are the mosquitoes and the no-see-ems. We lie panting in the shade, fans at full throttle, covered with horribly itchy welts from the nasty biting insects. Pass the Off.

We went to "keep fit" this morning with the Tot Club. For those uninitiated, every Sunday, Tot Club volunteers go to a designated historical site and wield clippers, machetes, rakes, and sundry other grounds-maintenance equipment. From 10 a.m. until noon, they work on one of the ruins in the area. We have variously employed our talents on Fort Charlotte, Clarence House and assorted trails and graveyards.

Today it was Clarence House, which overlooks English Harbour. A beautiful wreck. I laboured with our friend Connie, tidying up around the house while the gentlemen hacked their way through the mangroves below, to create a trail from the harbour up to the house.

And, boy, was it hot.

The Tot Club buys us water to consume during our labours and two beers later in the Nelson's Dockyard Galley Bar. Very welcome.

All this to say that my failure to post has been due to extreme heat and humidity. No break is predicted before Wednesday. Aaaargh.

Oh, and no photos due to extreme absence of batteries.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that does not sound like much fun!

It has been unusually hot here also, especially for it being the middle of November! The high is usually around 50-55, but it has still been getting up into the 80's-90's on a regular basis! Grr, I want the cold dang it :D