Tuesday, January 28, 2014

About that HotHotHot Spot

I keep nattering on about the HotHotHot Spot coffee shop where we have breakfast most days and where dinner is served on Wednesday nights only. I want to tell you about the truly fabulous people who make it go.

The place was run by our dear friend Gay Nichols for many years. She is now planning a retirement to England and has spent most of this season over there, settling into a new house. Her partner Arnold runs the HotHotHot (which I'm tired of typing so will call it HHH from here on in) Internet service. He joined her in the UK in December and is rumoured to be returning in February. While they are away, the coffee shop is being managed by Dave, about whom more later.

Whenever we arrive on the island after being away, one of my great joys is my first visit to HHH. I am greeted with squeals of joy, massive hugs, hug grins and, always, “Where is Uncle Willie?” (who is generally paying the taxi or buying ice or getting the dinghy). Fear not, he gets the same treatment when he appears.

The bearers of all this welcome are:

Nicola (said with the emphasis on the ‘co’), 
queen of the kitchen, master roti maker, 
fun person and awesome dancer.

Pettie (short for Petronella), with a laugh that’ll knock you sideways, 
a lusty singing voice and always the most amazing hairdos.

Alicia (pronounced Aleesha) is a new permanent employee, 
but shows every indication of equalling her colleagues’ awesomeness.

Dave lives on an old ferro-cement boat back in Ordnance Bay, right by Gay and Arnold’s Cormorant. This year, his secret vice was revealed: he plays the trumpet. WW (guitar) and John Nobbs (aka Queequeg, clarinet) lured him from his den and he astonished us all with his stylings.

John, Dave and WW doing a little crowd pleasing.

HotHotHot hopping on Wednesday night.

The trio perform on Wednesday nights at HHH for the usual breakfast gang, a crowd of zealous Tot Club adherents (of both the trio and the dinner) and sundry persons from boats at the Dockyard. Anyone with an instrument is welcome to join the fray.

Oops, naughty moi. I forgot to give credit for the HHH Wednesday night photos. All glory to Frank, Tot Club member, captain of Marae and all-round great guy.

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